Members and friends sitting together drinking coffee, talking, laughing, and enjoying the blessing of Christian fellowship before Bible Study starts.
Members and friends sitting together drinking coffee, talking, laughing, and enjoying the blessing of Christian fellowship before Bible Study starts.
"I love the house where you live, O LORD, the place where your glory dwells."
-Psalm 26:8
This is why we gather.
Thomas Westra, Pastor
The Gospel of John
It is, I think, John’s Gospel that has drawn me to Jesus the most. Maybe it’s John’s eyewitness details. They help us to “be there” with Jesus. John describes the smell of perfume when Mary anointed Jesus’ feet, the grain fields they walked along, the fig trees, and the children. John’s details invite us into the narrative.
Or maybe it is the profound, but simple pictures contained in John’s Gospel. He gives us Jesus’ “I am” statements. “I am the Light.” “…the Good Shepherd.” “…the Bread of Life.” “…the Resurrection and the Life.” Or, maybe it’s the way he expresses the deepest truths with uncomplicated phrases. “The Word became flesh.” “Look, the Lamb of God.”
Maybe it is the way that John so clearly states his purpose for writing, “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” (20:31)
Don’t miss this journey with Jesus, through the witness of the disciple “whom He loved”. I promise it will be a spiritual experience. It will increase faith and produce life. Join us for our study beginning Sunday, October 13th,
at 9:55 a.m., in the multi-purpose room.​